


Cooking cooking~

I've got THIS for my dinner, yesterday. It was absolutely a heaven. Like the best moment of my life.Today, I was helping a jazz music group out for the preparation of their concert. They are the Meikai Jazz Club. A student's jazz team. For…

Nothing much...

I fixed up my skateboard for an hour. Runs much better now.Had a Thai chicken rice for the lunch. It was soooooo nice! After 6pm, I hanged out with two British new friends, and could have a very nice time with them! It was soooooo nervous …

New shoes

Good evening.I've got new shoes, today. I love it very much.With a pair of my new shoes, I walked up to the Meikai University for watching band performances. They were quite good, actually. After that, I had lunch at the dining of the uni.…

Miss meals in New Zealand so much><

Yaaaaaay! Nice weather today :) Rain kept falling for three days here, and it's finally stopped!BUT, my shoes are still wet from walks yesterday, and it is making really weird feeling on my feet...It's just soooo bad.Visiting a cafe to rea…

New friends?

HelloI'm at the exactly same place as where I was yesterday. On a chaire of the doutor cafe.Checking my blog, reading a book and having a cake and coffee. Good enough, isn't it?On the way I came to this place, I have made new friends.I was…

Cafe break

Good evening, all.What I'm doing right now is just sitting on a chair in a cafe and reading the several news articles of the Japan times. The book on a desk is the 'Kafka on the shore', which is written by a Japanese famous writer, Haruki …

Cafe and saxophone

What's up allI was in a very nice cafe at the lunch time today. Inside of it, there were old records, small sundries and coffee cups, and those items made the atmosphere of antique-ness.I've got this. Eggplant and tomato pasta. It was abso…

So boring as!

Omg... My family forgot paying an internet fee for this month, and a wifi router had been stopped for a few days, until last mid night. I was too bored without Internet, so was taking a maintenance of my skateboard.Using paraffin oil for c…

Mating season

Sup guys.Mating season cat lol - YouTubeThis is my black cat, Trinity. She loves male cat, especially now. Making weird sounds and shaking her butt. Sexy, right? LolAgain, I was in my house alone today, so was playing Final Fantasy x all t…

English blog 2

Sup, Devon.Today I've got nothing to do, as usual, so I decided to play with my skateboard. It just tells how bad my sense of color selection I changed wheels and barreling parts, and it runs much more smoothly now.This is my lunc…

She loves my f**kin weenis :)

Well, this's a very first page for my English blogging. What I feel about it is just a huge embarrass and bit of excite. Why am I doing it? I'm just keep asking myself, and got no answer.Devon, you are an evil sometime, and never be an eng…


ご無沙汰しております。 実は最近、金銭面の事情により大学を休学する事が決まりました。。。ってかもう今日本です。。。これから先、日本でバイトをして帰るためのお金を貯めようと思います。と言ってもめっちゃくちゃ長くって訳ではなく、今年の12月までで…

Art Deco weekend in Napier













また月曜日がやって来た。 週の初めほど疲れを感じる日はないかもしれない。最近は一週間なんて一瞬のように感じるし、一日はめまぐるしいほどの速度で行ったり来たりしてるけど、やっぱり月曜日を避けては通れない訳で。。。まあ、日に日に時間は短く感じら…




今日は授業を早退して、パーマストンノース市から役2時間程のウェリントンまで友達と2人で足を運んだ。勿論ただ遊びに来たのではなく、Student VISA更新の為に無犯罪証明書を発行してもらうべく、ニュージーランド日本大使館を訪ねる為である。自分の記憶で…








いろいろあってブログすっかりサボってたけど、たまに書くと息抜きになるかな。。。いつの間にか年も明けて、今年でもう大学卒業。ぶっちゃけ社会に出るのはかなり怖い。 大丈夫なんだろうか俺。。。まあでも、今年に入ってやっと人生をかけても叶えたい夢が…